Archivematica Storage Service 0.23.0 es la última versión.

Archivematica Storage Service documentation

The Storage Service is used alongside Archivematica to manage the storage locations and packages for one or many Archivematica dashboards.

For information about Archivematica, including user and administrator manuals, please see the Archivematica documentation.

Administering the Storage Service

This section provides information for Storage Service administrators. This manual is intended for systems administrators who are responsible for installing, configuring, setting up, and maintaining Archivematica and related systems.

AIP recovery

AIP recovery support allows a storage service administrator to replace a corrupt version of a stored AIP with a correct version (restored from a backup, for example).


The Archivematica Storage Service exposes an API endpoint that allows users to check fixity on individual AIPs. Fixity is also an application for use with the Archivematica Storage Service. The Fixity application is run from the command-line and uses the API endpoint to perform batch checking across the entirety of the AIP storage location.

Management commands

The Archivematica Storage Service implements multiple management commands using the command interface provided by the Django web framework. These allow administrators to perform tasks such as creating new replicas of existing AIPs.