La versión Archivematica 1.6 es antigua y su documentación no se actualiza más.


On this page


Archivematica is not a single application, there are a dozens of different components and tools required for a full working installation. As a result there are many possible deployment configurations.

These instructions are designed to get you up and running as quickly as possible, even if you are not familiar with the linux operating system or the various tools and applications that are bundled into an Archivematica installation.

Experience with the linux command line is helpful, and to support a running production system, it should be considered a requirement.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you get stuck, or if you don’t understand some part of the instructions. The Archivematica google group is a good place to look for assistance.


For testing purposes, you may find it easier to install on a virtual machine using Vagrant. See the Quick Start Guide

Technical Requirements

Operating System

Archivematica 1.6.0 installation instructions are provided here for the following operating systems:

  • Ubuntu 14.04.5 64 bit Server Edition
  • Ubuntu 16.04.2 64 bit Server Edition (beta)
  • CentOS 7.3.1611 64 bit

Archivematica 1.6.1 is the first release to be tested on Ubuntu 16.04. Support for this OS is still considered beta; installation has been tested but production deployments are limited.

Other linux distributions should work, but will require customization of these installation instructions.

Support for Mac OS X is possibly in theory, but is not being tested, and would require more significant deviation from these instructions.

Archivematica is unlikely to ever run directly in a Windows environment. Consider the use of a virtualization platform to run linux vm’s.


Archivematica is capable of running on almost any hardware supported by linux; however, processing large collections will require better hardware. See


Archivematica has a long list of software it depends on. All of these dependencies are intalled when following the instructions below.

In these instructions everything is installed into one machine. It is possible to install some of the components on separate machines, to improve performance, such as:

  • MySQL
  • Elasticsearch
  • gearman

Using additional machines requires some additional configuration.

See Advanced.


Archivematica 1.6.1 requires Elasticsearch 1.x (tested with 1.7.6). Support for Elasticsearch 2.x and/or 5.x is being developed and is planned for a future release.

Archivematica 1.6.1 has been tested with MySQL 5.5, including the Percona and MariaDB alternatives. Archivematica uses MySQL 5.7 on Ubuntu 16.04.

Some of the tools run by Archivematica require Java to be installed (primarily Elasticsearch and fits). On Ubuntu 14.04, Open JDK 7 is used. On Ubuntu 16.04 Open JDK 8 is the default. It is possible to use Oracle Java 7 or 8 instead.

The remaining dependencies should be kept at the versions installed by Archivematica.

Minimum Hardware Requirements

For small-scale functionality testing using small collections (transfers with 100 files or less, 1 GB or smaller)

  • Processor: 2 CPU cores
  • Memory: 2GB+
  • Disk space: 7GB plus two to three times the disk space required for the collection being processed (e.g., 3GB to process a 1GB transfer)

New installation

When intalling Archivematica for the first time, there are a few choices to make before starting.

  • choice of installation method (manual or ansible).
  • choice of installation source (os packages or github).
  • choice of operating system (ubuntu or centos/rhel).

Instructions are provided for the following choices:

Other combinations work, but are not covered in this documentation. Please see the ansible-archivematica-src repo, the deploy-pub repo and ask on the archivematica-tech mailing list for more details.

Installing Ubuntu Packages

Archivematica packages are hosted at This has been introduced to allow one central place to store packages for multiple OS’s. Packages for both Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04 are available.

  1. Add Archivematica package sources

Add to your list of trusted repositories.

Using 14.04 (Trusty):

sudo wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64] trusty main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list'
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64] trusty main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list'

Using 16.04 (Xenial):

sudo wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64] xenial main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list'
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64] xenial main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list'
  1. Add Elasticsearch package source

Elasticsearch comes from its own package repository.

sudo wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list'
  1. Update your system

Update to the most recent release (14.04.5, or 16.04.2. This step will also fetch a list of the software from the package repositories you just added to your system.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
  1. Install Elasticsearch
sudo apt-get install elasticsearch
  1. Install the storage service package
sudo apt-get install -y archivematica-storage-service
  1. Configure the storage service
sudo rm -f /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/storage /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/storage
  1. Update pip

This is used to install python dependencies for both the storage service and the dashboard. There is a _known issue: with the version of pip installed on Ubuntu 14.04, which makes this step necessary. This step is optional on Ubuntu 16.04, but is still a good idea, to get the most recent version of pip.

sudo wget
sudo python
  1. Install the Archivematica packages

The order of installation is important - the mcp-server package must be installed before the dashboard package. While it is possible to install the mcp-client package on a separate machine, that configuration is not documented in these instructions.

The mcp-server package will install MySQL and configure the database used by Archivematica. Depending on the version of MySQL that gets installed the prompts you will say can differ. In all cases, you will be prompted to create a password for the “root” user. Keep note of the password you create. On Ubuntu 14.04, MySQL 5.5 is installed, and the default “archivematica” database user is automatically created with a default password of “demo”. On Ubuntu 16.04, MySQL 5.7 is installed, and you are prompted to add a password for the “archivematica” user. You must use “demo” as the password during the install process. The password can be changed after the installation is complete.

sudo apt-get install -y archivematica-mcp-server
sudo apt-get install -y archivematica-dashboard
sudo apt-get install -y archivematica-mcp-client
  1. Configure the dashboard
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/dashboard.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/dashboard.conf
  1. Start Elasticsearch

Start the Elasticsearch service and configure it to start automatically when the system is rebooted.

sudo service elasticsearch restart
sudo update-rc.d elasticsearch defaults 95 10
  1. Start the remaining services
sudo freshclam
sudo service clamav-daemon start
sudo service gearman-job-server restart
sudo service archivematica-mcp-server start
sudo service archivematica-mcp-client start
sudo service archivematica-storage-service start
sudo service archivematica-dashboard start
sudo service nginx restart
sudo service fits start

If you have trouble with the gearman command try this as an alternative:

sudo restart gearman-job-server
  1. Post Install Configuration

See Post Install Configuration

Install CentOS/Redhat Packages

Archivematica version 1.5.1 and higher support installation on CentOS/Redhat.

  1. Prerequisites

Update your system

sudo yum update
  1. Extra repos:

Some repositories need to be installed in order to fullfill the installation procedure:

  • Extra packages for enterprise linux
sudo yum install -y epel-release
  • Elasticsearch
sudo -u root rpm --import
sudo -u root bash -c 'cat << EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/elasticsearch.repo
name=Elasticsearch repository for 1.7 packages
  • Archivematica
sudo -u root bash -c 'cat << EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/archivematica.repo
  1. Service depencencies

Common services like elasticsearch, mariadb and gearmand should be installed and enabled before the archivematica install. It can be done with:

sudo -u root yum install -y java-1.8.0-openjdk-headless elasticsearch mariadb-server gearmand
sudo -u root systemctl enable elasticsearch
sudo -u root systemctl start elasticsearch
sudo -u root systemctl enable mariadb
sudo -u root systemctl start mariadb
sudo -u root systemctl enable gearmand
sudo -u root systemctl start gearmand
  1. Install Archivematica Storage Service
  • First, we install the packages:
sudo -u root yum install -y python-pip archivematica-storage-service
  • After the package is installed, we need to populate the sqlite database, and collect some static files used by django. These tasks must be run as “archivematica” user.
sudo -u archivematica bash -c " \
set -a -e -x
source /etc/sysconfig/archivematica-storage-service
cd /usr/share/archivematica/storage-service
/usr/lib/python2.7/archivematica/storage-service/bin/python migrate
/usr/lib/python2.7/archivematica/storage-service/bin/python collectstatic --noinput
  • And now, we enable and start the archivematica-storage-service and it’s nginx frontend
sudo -u root systemctl enable archivematica-storage-service
sudo -u root systemctl start archivematica-storage-service
sudo -u root systemctl enable nginx
sudo -u root systemctl start nginx


The storage service will be avaliable at http://<ip>:8001

  1. Installing Archivematica Dashboard and MCP Server
  • First, install the pacakges:
sudo -u root yum install -y archivematica-common archivematica-mcp-server archivematica-dashboard
  • Create user and mysql database with:
sudo -H -u root mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -e "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS MCP; CREATE DATABASE MCP CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;"
sudo -H -u root mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -e "CREATE USER 'archivematica'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'demo';"
sudo -H -u root mysql -hlocalhost -uroot -e "GRANT ALL ON MCP.* TO 'archivematica'@'localhost';"
  • And as archivematica user, run migrations:
sudo -u archivematica bash -c " \
set -a -e -x
source /etc/sysconfig/archivematica-dashboard
cd /usr/share/archivematica/dashboard
/usr/lib/python2.7/archivematica/dashboard/bin/python syncdb --noinput
  • Start and enable services:
sudo -u root systemctl enable archivematica-mcp-server
sudo -u root systemctl start archivematica-mcp-server
sudo -u root systemctl enable archivematica-dashboard
sudo -u root systemctl start archivematica-dashboard
  • Reload nginx in order to load the dashboard config file:
sudo -u root systemctl reload nginx


The dashboard will be avaliable at http://ip:81

  1. Installing Archivematica MCP client
  • First, we need to add some extra repos with the MCP Client dependencies:
  • Archivematica supplied external packages:
sudo -u root bash -c 'cat << EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/archivematica-extras.repo
  • Nux multimedia repo
sudo rpm -Uvh
  • Forensic tools repo
sudo rpm -Uvh
  • Then, install the package:
sudo -u root yum install -y archivematica-mcp-client
  • The MCP Client expect some programs in certain paths, so we put things in place:
sudo cp /usr/bin/clamscan /usr/bin/clamdscan
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/7za /usr/bin/7z

After that, we can enable and start services

sudo -u root systemctl enable archivematica-mcp-client
sudo -u root systemctl start archivematica-mcp-client
sudo -u root systemctl enable fits-nailgun
sudo -u root systemctl start fits-nailgun
  1. Finalizing installation


Each service have a configuration file in /etc/sysconfig/archivematica-packagename


If IPv6 is disabled, Nginx may refuse to start. If that is the case make sure that the listen directives used under /etc/nginx are not using IPv6 addresses like [::]:80.

CentOS will install firewalld which will be running default rules likely blocking ports 81 and 8001. If you are not able to access the dashboard and storage service, check if firewalld is running. If it is, you will likely need to modify the firewall rules to allow access to ports 81 and 8001 from your location.

  1. Post Install Configuration

See Post Install Configuration

Automated Ubuntu Github Install

Installing from source has been tested using ansible scripts. Ansible installations have been tested for new installations but are not fully tested for upgrades.

These instructions are designed to create a test environment on your local machine. A virtual machine running Ubuntu 14.04 will be created.

It is assumed here that your host operating system is Ubuntu. This can be modified for a different unix based operating system, such as Mac OS X or another linux distribution such as Centos. These instructions will not work if you are using Windows as the host OS. For Windows installations you can create a virtual machine and follow the manual install instructions.

The ansible roles referenced here can be used in production deployments by creating your own ansible playbook to run them. See for more details.

  1. Install Dependencies

These instructions require VirtualBox, Vagrant, and Ansible

sudo apt-get install virtualbox vagrant
sudo pip install -U ansible

Vagrant must be at least version 1.5. Check your version with:

vagrant --version

If it is not up to date, you can download the newest version from the Vagrant website .

  1. Download Installer

Checkout the deployment repo:

git clone
  1. Dependencies

Download the Ansible roles:

cd deploy-pub/playbooks/archivematica
ansible-galaxy install -f -p roles/ -r requirements.yml
  1. Install

Create the virtual machine and provision it:

vagrant up


This will take a while. It depends on your computer, but it could take up to an hour. Your computer may be very slow while Archivematica is being provisioned - be sure to save any work and be prepared to step away from your computer while Archivematica is building.

  1. Re-provisioning

If there’s an error, you can re-run the setup.

vagrant provision

Once it’s done provisioning, you can log in to your virtual machine:

vagrant ssh

You can also access your Archivematica instance through the web browser:

  1. Post Install Configuration

See Post Install Configuration

Post Install Configuration

After successfully completing a new installation using one of the methods above, follow these steps to complete the configuration of your new server.

  1. Test the storage service

The storage service runs as a separate web application from the Archivematica dashboard. Go to the following link in a web browser and log in as user test with the password test: http://localhost:8000 (or use the IP address of the machine you have been installing on).

  1. New Storage Service User

Create a new administrative user in the Storage service. The storage service has its own set of users. In the User menu in the Administrative tab of the storage service, add at least one administrative user, and modify the test user, to change the password at a minimum. After you have created an administrative user, copy its API key to your clipboard.

  1. Test the dashboard

You can login to the Archivematica dashboard and finish the installation in a web browser: http://localhost (again, use the IP address of the machine you have been installing on). When prompted, enter the URL of the Storage Service, the name of the administrative user, and that user’s API key.

  1. Register your installation for full Format Policy Registry interoperability.

Follow the instructions in the web browser to complete the installation.

Upgrade from Archivematica 1.5.x to 1.6.0

Archivematica 1.5.x is available for Ubuntu 14.04 and Centos 7.x. If you are running a version of Archivematica older than 1.5.0, you will need to upgrade your operating system from Ubuntu 12.04 to Ubuntu 14.04, and upgrade Archiveamtica to 1.5.0 before following these instructions. This section of the instructions is focused on upgrading to Archivematica 1.6.0, as this is a slightly more complicated process. Upgrading from 1.6.0 to 1.6.1 is quite easy and covered below.

While it is possible to upgrade a github based source install using ansible, these instructions do not cover that scenario.

Backup first

Before starting any upgrade procedure on a production system, it is prudent to back up your system. If you are using a virtual machine, take a snapshot of it before making any changes. Alternatively, back up the file systems being used by your system. Exact procedures for updating will depend on your local installation. At a minimum you should make backups of:

  • the storage service sqlite database
  • the dashboard mysql database

A simple example of backing up these two databases:

sudo cp /var/archivematica/storage-service/storage.db ~/storage_db_backup.db
mysqldump -u root -p MCP > ~/am_backup.sql

If you do not have a password set for the root user in mysql, you can take out the “-p” portion of that command. If there is a problem during the upgrade process, you can restore your mysql database from this backup and try the upgrade again.

Upgrade on Ubuntu

  1. Update OS
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
  1. Update python setup tools

This is used to install python dependencies for both the storage service and the dashboard. There is a _known issue: with the version of pip installed on Ubuntu 14.04, which makes this step necessary.

sudo pip install -U setuptools
  1. Update Package Sources
sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:archivematica/externals
echo 'deb [arch=amd64] trusty main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list
echo 'deb [arch=amd64] trusty main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list

Optionally you can remove the lines references from /etc/apt/sources.list.

  1. Update Archivematica Storage Services
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install archivematica-storage-service
  1. Update Application Container

Archivematica Storage Service 0.10.0 uses gunicorn as wsgi server. This means that the old uwsgi server needs to be stopped and disabled after perfoming the upgrade.

sudo service uwsgi stop
sudo update-rc.d uwsgi disable
  1. Update Archivematica

During the update process you may be asked about updating configuration files. Choose to accept the maintainers versions. You will also be asked about updating the database, say “ok” to each of those steps. If you have set a password for the root mysql database user, enter it when prompted. It is better to update the dashboard before updating the mcp components.

sudo apt-get upgrade
  1. Disable Unused Services

Archivematica 1.6.0 uses nginx as http server, and gunicorn as wsgi server. This means that some services used in Archivematica 1.5.0 should be stopped and disabled before performing the upgrade.

sudo service apache2 stop
sudo update-rc.d apache2 disable
  1. Restart Services
sudo service nginx restart
sudo restart archivematica-storage-service
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/dashboard.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/dashboard.conf
sudo service gearman-job-server restart
sudo restart archivematica-mcp-server
sudo restart archivematica-mcp-client
sudo start archivematica-dashboard
sudo restart fits
sudo freshclam
sudo service clamav-daemon restart
sudo service nginx restart

Note, depending on how your Ubuntu system is set up, you may have trouble restarting gearman with the command in the block above. If that is the case, try this command instead:

sudo restart gearman-job-server
  1. Remove unused services
sudo apt-get remove --purge python-pip apache2 uwsgi
  1. Update Transfer Index

If you are interested in experimenting with the use of these new features, with a backlog created in an earlier version of Archivematica, these instructions show how to update your Transfer Backlog Index so it can be used with the Appraisal Tab and the Backlog tab.

These are experimental instructions. Do not use them on a production system unless you have a back you can restore from.

  • Install devtools

Archivematica devtools is a set of utilities that was built by developers While working on Archivematica. Devtools includes helper scripts that make it easier to perform certain maintenance tasks. One of those tools is used to rebuild the Transfer index in Elasticsearch, which is used by the different backlog tools such as the new Appraisal Tab. Currently this must be installed using git. These instructions will be updated when a packaged version is available. See the _devtools repo: for more details.

sudo apt-get install git ruby-ronn
git clone
cd archivematica-devtools
make install
  • Confirm Location of Transfer Backlog

You need to know the path to the Transfer Backlog Location. The default path is “/var/archivematica/sharedDirectory/www/AIPsStore/transferBacklog”. You can confirm the path for your installation by:

  • logging into the Storage Service and clicking on the Locations tab.
  • type “backlog” in the search searchbox
  • copy the value in the column labelled “path” (there should be only one row)
  • Rebuild Transfer Index

Using the path you confirmed above, replace the text “/path/to/transfers” with the correct path for your system.

am rebuild-transfer-backlog /path/to/transfers

This may take a while if you have a large backlog. Once it completes, you should be able to see your Transfer Backlog in the Appraisal tab and in the Backlog tab.

Depending on your browser settings, you may need to clear your browser cache to make the dashboard pages load properly. For example in Firefox or Chrome you should be able to clear the cache with control-shift-R or command-shift-F5.

Upgrade from Archivematica 1.5 for CentOS/Redhat

  • First, upgrade the repositories for 1.6:
sudo sed -i 's/1.5.x/1.6.x/g' /etc/yum.repos.d/archivematica*
  • Then, upgrade the packages:
sudo yum update
  • Once the new packages are installed, we need to upgrade the databases for both, archivematica and the storage service. This can be done with:
sudo -u archivematica bash -c " \
set -a -e -x
source /etc/sysconfig/archivematica-storage-service
cd /usr/share/archivematica/storage-service
/usr/lib/python2.7/archivematica/storage-service/bin/python migrate
/usr/lib/python2.7/archivematica/storage-service/bin/python collectstatic --noinput

sudo -u archivematica bash -c " \
set -a -e -x
source /etc/sysconfig/archivematica-dashboard
cd /usr/share/archivematica/dashboard
/usr/lib/python2.7/archivematica/dashboard/bin/python syncdb --noinput
  • After that, we can restart the archivematica related services, and continue using the system:
sudo systemctl restart archivematica-storage-service
sudo systemctl restart archivematica-dashboard
sudo systemctl restart archivematica-mcp-client
sudo systemctl restart archivematica-mcp-server

Depending on your browser settings, you may need to clear your browser cache to make the dashboard pages load properly. For example in Firefox or Chrome you should be able to clear the cache with control-shift-R or command-shift-F5.

  • Update Transfer Index

If you are interested in experimenting with the use of these new features, with a backlog created in an earlier version of Archivematica, these instructions show how to update your Transfer Backlog Index so it can be used with the Appraisal Tab and the Backlog tab.

These are experimental instructions. Do not use them on a production system unless you have a back you can restore from.

  • Install devtools

Archivematica devtools is a set of utilities that was built by developers While working on Archivematica. Devtools includes helper scripts that make it easier to perform certain maintenance tasks. One of those tools is used to rebuild the Transfer index in Elasticsearch, which is used by the different backlog tools such as the new Appraisal Tab. Currently this must be installed using git. These instructions will be updated when a packaged version is available. See the _devtools repo: for more details.

sudo yum install -y archivematica-devtools
  • Confirm Location of Transfer Backlog

You need to know the path to the Transfer Backlog Location. The default path is “/var/archivematica/sharedDirectory/www/AIPsStore/transferBacklog”. You can confirm the path for your installation by:

  • logging into the Storage Service and clicking on the Locations tab.
  • type “backlog” in the search searchbox
  • copy the value in the column labelled “path” (there should be only one row)
  • Rebuild Transfer Index

Using the path you confirmed above, replace the text “/path/to/transfers” with the correct path for your system.

am rebuild-transfer-backlog /path/to/transfers

This may take a while if you have a large backlog. Once it completes, you should be able to see your Transfer Backlog in the Appraisal tab and in the Backlog tab.

Upgrade from Archivematica 1.6.0 to 1.6.1

Archivematica 1.6.1 is available for Ubuntu 14.04, Ubuntu 16.04 and Centos 7.x. If you are running a version of Archivematica older than 1.6.0, you will need to upgrade Archiveamtica to 1.6.0 before following these instructions. See the section above for details.

While it is possible to upgrade a github based source install using ansible, these instructions do not cover that scenario.

Backup first

Before starting any upgrade procedure on a production system, it is prudent to back up your system. If you are using a virtual machine, take a snapshot of it before making any changes. Alternatively, back up the file systems being used by your system. Exact procedures for updating will depend on your local installation. See the “Update from 1.5.x to 1.6.0” section above for an example.

Upgrade on Ubuntu

  1. Run the Update
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
  1. Restart Services

Alternatively you can use the devtools, if you have that installed. See the “Upgrade from 1.5.x to 1.6.0” section above for details.

sudo service nginx restart
sudo service archivematica-storage-service restart
sudo service gearman-job-server restart
sudo service archivematica-mcp-server restart
sudo service archivematica-mcp-client restart
sudo service archivematica-dashboard restart
sudo service  fits restart
sudo freshclam
sudo service clamav-daemon restart
sudo service nginx restart

Note, depending on how your Ubuntu system is set up, you may have trouble restarting gearman with the command in the block above. If that is the case, try this command instead:

sudo restart gearman-job-server

Upgrade from Archivematica 1.6.0 for CentOS/Redhat

  1. Upgrade the packages:
sudo yum update
  1. Run Migration tasks

Once the new packages are installed, we need to upgrade the databases for both, archivematica and the storage service. This can be done with:

sudo -u archivematica bash -c " \
set -a -e -x
source /etc/sysconfig/archivematica-storage-service
cd /usr/share/archivematica/storage-service
/usr/lib/python2.7/archivematica/storage-service/bin/python migrate
/usr/lib/python2.7/archivematica/storage-service/bin/python collectstatic --noinput

sudo -u archivematica bash -c " \
set -a -e -x
source /etc/sysconfig/archivematica-dashboard
cd /usr/share/archivematica/dashboard
/usr/lib/python2.7/archivematica/dashboard/bin/python syncdb --noinput
  1. Restart Services
sudo systemctl restart archivematica-storage-service
sudo systemctl restart archivematica-dashboard
sudo systemctl restart archivematica-mcp-client
sudo systemctl restart archivematica-mcp-server

Depending on your browser settings, you may need to clear your browser cache to make the dashboard pages load properly. For example in Firefox or Chrome you should be able to clear the cache with control-shift-R or command-shift-F5.



Docker installations are experimental at this time- instructions coming soon.

Install for development

The recommended way to install Archivematica for development is with Ansible and Vagrant. For instructions on how to install Archivematica from a virtual machine, see the Ansible & Vagrant Installation instructions on the Archivematica wiki. See also instructions for installation on a virtual machine using Vagrant in the Quick Start Guide

Installing across multiple machines

It is possible to spread Archivematica’s processing load across several machines by installing the following services on separate machines:

  • Elasticsearch
  • gearman
  • mySQL

For help, send an email to Archivematica tech mailing list.

Firewall requirements

When installing Archivematica on multiple machines, all the machines must be able to reach each other on the following ports:

  • http, mysqld, gearman, nfs, ssh

Using AtoM 2.x with Archivematica

Archivematica 1.6 has been tested with and is recommended for use with AtoM versions 2.2. AtoM version 2.2 or higher is required for use with the hierarchical DIP functionality; see Arrange a SIP from backlog.

Installation instructions for Atom 2 are available on the documentation. When following those instructions, it is best to download Atom from the git repository (rather than use one of the supplied tarballs). When checking out Atom, use the head of either the stable/2.1.x, stable/2.2.x or qa/2.3.x branch (integration with qa branch is experimental).

Once you have a working AtoM installation, you can configure dip upload between Archivematica and Atom. The basic steps are:

  • Update atom dip upload configuration in the Archivematica dashboard
  • Confirm atom-worker is configured on the Atom server (copy the atom- worker.conf file from atom source to /etc/init/)
  • Enable the Sword Plugin in the AtoM plugins page
  • Enable job scheduling in the AtoM settings page (AtoM version 2.1 or lower only)
  • Confirm gearman is installed on the AtoM server
  • Configure ssh keys to allow rsync to work for the archivematica user, from the Archivematica server to the Atom server
  • Start gearman on the Atom server
  • Start the atom worker on the AtoM server



Archivematica 1.6


Archivematica documentation by Artefactual Systems Inc. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Creative Commons License