Archivematica 1.8.1 is a legacy release, and these documents are no longer being maintained.


This page contains information relevant to maintaining your Archivematica installation.

On this page:

Maintaining Elasticsearch

Since version 0.9, Archivematica stores AIP file information, such as METS data, using Elasticsearch. This data can be searched from the Archival Storage area of the dashboard or can be interfaced with programmatically.

Programmatic access to indexed AIP data

To access indexed AIP data using a custom script or application, find an Elasticsearch interface library for the programming language you’ve chosen to use. In Archivematica we use Python with the pyes library. In our developer documentation, we’ll outline the use of pyes to access AIP data, but any programming language/interface library, such as PHP and Elastica, should work.

Connecting to Elasticsearch

In this section we’ll run through an example of interfacing with Elasticsearch data using a Python script that leverages the pyes library.

The first step, when using pyes, is to require the module. The following code imports pyes functionality on a system on which Archivematica is installed.

import sys
from pyes import *

Next you’ll want to create a connection to Elasticsearch.

conn = ES('')

Full text searching

Once connected to Elasticsearch, you can perform searches. Below is the code needed to do a “wildcard” search for all AIP files indexed by Elasticsearch and retrieve the first 20 items. Instead of doing a “wildcard” search you could also supply keywords, such as a certain AIP UUID.

start_page     = 1
items_per_page = 20

q = StringQuery('*')

  results = conn.search_raw(
     start=start_page - 1,
   print 'Query error.'

Querying for specific data

While the “StringQuery” query type is good for broad searches, you may want to narrow a search down to a specific field of data to reduce false positives. Below is an example of searching documents, using “TermQuery”, matching criteria within specific data. As, by default, Elasticsearch stores term values in lowercase the term value searched for must also be lowercase.

import sys
import pyes

conn = pyes.ES('')

q = pyes.TermQuery("METS.amdSec.ns0:amdSec_list.@ID", "amdsec_8")

    results = conn.search_raw(query=q, indices='aips')
  print 'Query failed.'

Displaying search results

Now that you’ve performed a couple of searches, you can display some results. The below logic cycles through each hit in a results set, representing an AIP file, and prints the UUID of the AIP the file belongs in, the Elasticsearch document ID corresponding to the indexed file data, and the path of the file within the AIP.

if results:
    document_ids = []
    for item in results.hits.hits:
        aip = item._source
        print 'AIP ID: ' + aip['AIPUUID'] + ' / Document ID: ' + item._id
        print 'Filepath: ' + aip['filePath']

Fetching specific documents

If you want to get Elasticsearch data for a specific AIP file, you can use the Elasticsearch document ID. The above code populates the document_ids array and the below code uses this data, retrieving individual documents and extracting a specific item of data from each document.

for document_id in document_ids:
    data = conn.get(index_name, type_name, document_id)

    format = data['METS']['amdSec']['ns0:amdSec_list'][0]['ns0:techMD_list'][0]['ns0:mdWrap_list'][0]['ns0:xmlData_list'][0]['ns1:object_list'][0]['ns1:objectCharacteristics_list'][0]['ns1:format_list'][0]['ns1:formatDesignation_list'][0]['ns1:formatName']

    print 'Format for document ID ' + document_id + ' is ' + format

Augmenting documents

To add additional data to an Elasticsearch document, you’ll need the document ID. The following code shows an Elasticsearch query being used to find a document and update it with additional data. Note that the name of the data field being added, “__public”, is prefixed with two underscores. This practice prevents the accidental overwriting of system or Archivematica-specific data. System data is prefixed with a single underscore.

import sys
import pyes

conn = pyes.ES('')

q = pyes.TermQuery("METS.amdSec.ns0:amdSec_list.@ID", "amdsec_8")

results = conn.search_raw(query=q, indices='aips')

  if results:
    for item in results.hits.hits:
        print 'Updating ID: ' + item['_id']

        document = item['_source']
        document['__public'] = 'yes'
        conn.index(document, 'aips', 'aip', item['_id'])
  print 'Query failed.'

Delete the Elasticsearch index through the GUI

To help with Elasticsearch development, Archivematica comes with a plugin for Elasticsearch, called Elasticsearch Head, that provides a web application for browsing and administering Elasticsearch data. It can be accessed at

Elasticsearch Head will allow you to delete an index, if need be.

Deleting an Elasticsearch index from Elasticsearch Head.

Delete Elasticsearch index programmatically

If, for whatever reason, you need to delete an Elasticsearch index programmatically, this can be done with pyes using the following code.

import sys
from pyes import *
conn = ES('')

    print "Error deleting index or index already deleted."

Rebuilding the AIP index

To rebuild the Elasticsearch AIP index enter the following to find the location of the rebuilding script:

locate rebuild-elasticsearch-aip-index-from-files

Copy the location of the script then enter the following to perform the rebuild (substituting “/your/script/location/rebuild-elasticsearch-aip-index- from-files” with the location of the script):

/your/script/location/rebuild-elasticsearch-aip-index-from-files <location of your AIP store>

Rebuilding the transfer index

Similarly, to rebuild the Elasticsearch transfer data index enter the following to find the location of the rebuilding script:

locate rebuild-elasticsearch-transfer-index-from-files

Copy the location of the script then enter the following to perform the rebuild (substituting “/your/script/location/rebuild-elasticsearch-transfer- index-from-files” with the location of the script):

/your/script/location/rebuild-elasticsearch-transfer-index-from-files <location of your AIP store>

See also

Elasticsearch troubleshooting help from AtoM documentation.

Data back-up

In Archivematica there are three types of data you’ll likely want to back up:

  • Filesystem (particularly your storage directories)
  • MySQL
  • Elasticsearch

MySQL is used to store short-term processing data. You can back up the MySQL database by using the following command:

mysqldump -u <your username> -p<your password> -c MCP > <filename of backup>

Elasticsearch is used to store long-term data. Instructions and scripts for backing up and restoring Elasticsearch are available in the Elasticsearch documentation.


How to restart the Archivematica services

Restart all services

am services

Note that the default action is to restart all services. To see other available parameters, type:

am services help


sudo stop archivematica-mcp-server
sudo stop archivematica-mcp-client
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop
sudo /etc/init.d/gearman-job-server stop
sudo stop mysql
sudo /etc/init.d/elasticsearch stop


sudo /etc/init.d/elasticsearch start
sudo start mysql
sudo /etc/init.d/gearman-job-server start
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start
sudo start archivematica-mcp-server
sudo start archivematica-mcp-client

Error stack trace

“I am getting a white error page in the Dashboard. How can I find out what the error is?”

Seeing an full error stack trace for the Dashboard requires knowing how to edit a configuration file from the command line.

  1. SSH to the Archivematica server

  2. With your preferred text editor, open the dashboard settings file (vim shown in example; Note that you must use sudo to edit this file):

    sudo vim /usr/share/archivematica/dashboard/settings/
  3. Change the “DEBUG” flag from “False” to “True”

    DEBUG = True
  4. Save the fileservices

  5. Restart Apache

    sudo apache2ctl restart
  6. Reload the dashboard page reporting the error in your browse

  7. Debug or report error

  8. Restore DEBUG to False and restart Apache to turn error reporting off again

Resolve hanging decisions

“My Transfer or Ingest tab has a red circle indicating that a decision is awaiting user input, but there are no decisions to be made on the screen. How do I get rid of the red circle?”
A red bubble on the Transfer tab at the top of the Archivematica dashboard indicates that a decision is awaiting user input.

Any time a decision in the Transfer or Ingest tab is awaiting user input, Archivematica visually indicates the need for user input by placing a red circle on the tab. The numeral inside the circle indicates how many decisions are awaiting user input on the tab.

It is possible to remove transfers or SIPs from the Transfer or Ingest tab without resolving a decision, which results in the red circle remaining even if there is no decision awaiting user input on the tab. While this isn’t a critical issue, it is annoying. To get rid of the red circle, you need to use a command line tool to resolve the user input first and then either complete or reject the transfer/SIP. In the Archivematica source code, there is a python module containing an RPC client that can give you information about the transfers and SIPs that you have in your dashboard. It also allows you to add user inputs, as an alternative to using the dashboard.


The tool that is currently being used for this workflow, mcp-rpc-cli, may be deprecated or replaced in future releases. These instructions are accurate as of Archivematica 1.7.2.


These instructions work on Archivematica 1.7.x, deployed on either CentOS or Ubuntu via ansible or RPMs. If you are using this tool on a vagrant deployment, please note the specific instructions related to vagrant. For more information about installation methods, please see Installing Archivematica.

  1. Clone the archivematica-devtools repository into your Archivematica source repository and follow the installation instructions found within the repository. On Ubuntu or CentOS, clone the repository to /opt/archivematica. On vagrant, clone the repository to /vagrant/src/. You should be able to access the devtools by running the am command.

  2. Navigate to the Archivematica MCP Client directory and start the mcp-rpc-cli.

    Ubuntu or CentOS:

    sudo -u archivematica bash -c " \
       set -a -e -x
         source /etc/default/archivematica-mcp-client || \
             source /etc/sysconfig/archivematica-mcp-client \
                 || (echo 'Environment file not found'; exit 1)
         cd /opt/archivematica/archivematica-devtools/bin/
         ./am mcp-rpc-cli


    sudo -u archivematica bash -c " \
       set -a -e -x
         source /etc/default/archivematica-mcp-client || \
             source /etc/sysconfig/archivematica-mcp-client \
                 || (echo 'Environment file not found'; exit 1)
         cd /vagrant/src/archivematica-devtools/bin/
         ./am mcp-rpc-cli
  3. You should see an output that looks like the snippet here:

         <description>Reject AIP</description>
         <description>Store AIP</description>
         <description>Reject AIP</description>
         <description>Store AIP</description>
    q to quit
    u to update List
    number to approve Job
    Please enter a value:

    The above is showing two SIPs that were cleared from the Ingest tab while waiting for user input at the Store AIP decision point. Each SIP is given an entry number, beginning with 0. Note that transfers that were cleared from the Transfer tab while waiting for user input would also appear in this list.

    Below the entry number, we get some basic information about the SIP within the <unit> element (the type, UUID, and the current location). Following that, we have the <choices> element, which presents the currently-available choices for the SIP. The Store AIP decision point gives the user two choices: Reject AIP or Store AIP.

  4. Select the transfer or SIP that you would like to work with by entering the entry number.

    Please enter a value: 0

    You should now see a list of the available choices for the transfer or SIP. Each choice is preceded by an entry number.

     <description>Reject AIP</description>
     <description>Store AIP</description>
    q to quit
    u to update List
    number to approve Job
    Please enter a value:
  5. Make the decision by entering the choice’s entry number.

    Please enter a value: 1

    In this example, we have chosen to store the AIP by selecting the Store AIP choice. We could now confirm that this action worked by checking the Archivematica instance’s Storage tab to confirm that the AIP was stored.

  6. To update the list and continue, enter u when prompted to enter a value. Repeat the steps above until there are no more choices left to make.

Transfer won’t start

“I try to create a new transfer, but nothing happens. What can I do?”

Sometimes a user may attempt to start a transfer and it will never seem to initiate the Archivematica processes. There are a few issues to look out for and investigate if this happens.

  1. File permissions
First, the issue may be related to file permissions in the transfer source directory. Check the permissions in the directory and on the files to ensure that all files can be read by Archivematica.
  1. System timeouts

If it is a large transfer, it may just be taking a long time to copy the files and initially load them into the system, and the user can wait a bit longer and see if the processes begin after a bit of time. It is also possible that it is taking a long time because some of the system timeouts are being exceeded and the transfer has failed. This can be verified by checking the Storage Service logs and by checking where the transfer exists on the filesystem.

For inadequate timeouts, check the Storage Service configuration and adjust if necessary.

  1. Communication between Dashboard and Gearman

If the transfer has successfully moved to the shared Directory (i.e. it can be found in sharedDirectory/watchedDirectories/activeTransfer/ folders), but is still not showing up in the dashboard, there could have been a problem with the communication between the dashboard and Gearman. Restarting all of the services can resolve this problem and the transfer will appear.

Restart services in the follow order: gearmand, archivematica-mcp-server, archivematica-mcp-client, and archivematica-dashboard.

Note that on some installations, gearmand may be called gearman-job-server.

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