Archivematica 1.16.0 is our latest release.



Once you’ve set up Archivematica it’s a good practice, for the sake of security, to change the default passwords.

This page outlines various security settings and configurations in Archivematica.

Elasticsearch access control

The only way to limit access to Elasticsearch, currently, is using your server’s firewall configuration. You’ll likely want to configure your server’s firewall to limit access to Elasticsearch’s TCP/IP port (9200). It is recommended to only allow access by (the server itself) and the IPs of any other servers or workstations that should be able to access it.


If you are using AtoM as your access system, remember to perform this task on your AtoM Elasticsearch index. Your AtoM site is more likely to be a public-facing IP and therefore this is an important step.

For more advanced Elasticsearch installations follow their security documentation. The archivematica_src_elasticsearch_host configuration attribute accepts RFC-1738 formatted URLs (e.g.: https://user:secret@host:443).


You should create a new MySQL user or change the password of the default archivematica MySQL user. The change the password of the default user, enter the following into the command-line:

$ mysql -u root -p<your MyQL root password> -D mysql \
   -e "SET PASSWORD FOR 'archivematica'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('<new password>'); \

Once you’ve done this you can change Archivematica’s MySQL database access credentials by editing your system files and changing the following values for each of the following components.

The components can be found in different locations depending on the Operating System.

For Ubuntu systems:

  • /etc/default/archivematica-dashboard
  • /etc/default/archivematica-mcp-client
  • /etc/default/archivematica-mcp-server
  • /etc/default/archivematica-storage-service

For Rocky Linux/Red Hat systems:

  • /etc/sysconfig/archivematica-dashboard
  • /etc/sysconfig/archivematica-mcp-client
  • /etc/sysconfig/archivematica-mcp-server
  • /etc/sysconfig/archivematica-storage-service

The variables are different depending on the component. These are the following variables to change per component:







Storage Service when using sqlite3:


Storage Service when using MySQL:


For Storage Service MySQL database see: Storage Service application-specific-environment-variables.


In addition to changing the MySQL credentials, if you’ve also installed AtoM you’ll want to set the password for it as well. Note that after changing your AtoM credentials you should update the credentials on the AtoM DIP upload administration page as well.


Archivematica relies on the German server for queuing work that needs to be done. Gearman currently doesn’t support secured connections so Gearman should be run locally or on a secure, isolated network. See issue #%s1345.

Authentication backends

Archivematica supports multiple authentication backends: LDAP, Shibboleth, OIDC and CAS. Authentication backends provide an extensible system for when a username and password stored with the user model need to be authenticated against a different service than the default.

This feature relies on the authentication infrastructure provided by the Django web framework. Check out their docs for more details!

LDAP setup

LDAP is a directory service protocol used for, among other things, authentication and authorization. This feature allows administrators to deploy the Archivematica Dashboard Django application with LDAP authentication.

This functionality has not been made available yet in the Storage Service.

LDAP backend configuration

  1. Enable the authentication backend using the environment variable ARCHIVEMATICA_DASHBOARD_DASHBOARD_LDAP_AUTHENTICATION. You can find more details about this environment string in the configuration document.
  2. Customize the settings module as needed. Open the file to find what are the existing environment variable lookups. You can inject the configuration via the environment string or changing the settings mode manually.
  3. Restart the Archivematica Dashboard.

Shibboleth setup

Shibboleth is a federated identity solution that provides Single Sign-On authentication and authorization. This feature allows administrators to deploy both the Archivematica Dashboard and Storage Service Django applications with Shibboleth authentication.

Shibboleth backend configuration in Archivematica Dashboard

  1. Enable the authentication backend using the environment variable ARCHIVEMATICA_DASHBOARD_DASHBOARD_SHIBBOLETH_AUTHENTICATION. You can find more details about this environment string in the configuration document.
  2. Customize the settings module as needed.
  3. Restart the Archivematica Dashboard.

Shibboleth backend configuration in Storage Service

  1. Enable the authentication backend using the environment variable SS_SHIBBOLETH_AUTHENTICATION. Assign a string value true to enable it.
  2. Customize the settings module as needed.
  3. Restart the Storage Service.

OIDC setup

OIDC (OpenID Connect) is an identity layer on top of OAuth 2.0, providing identity verification, authentication and basic information about the end user. This feature allows administrators to deploy both the Archivematica Dashboard and Storage Service Django applications with OIDC authentication.

It is based on mozilla-django-oidc. In addition to the instructions below, please refer to their documentation for more details.


The OIDC backend is an experimental feature that you can turn on to test (see instructions below). Please share your feedback!

OIDC backend configuration in Archivematica Dashboard

  1. Enable the authentication backend using the environment variable ARCHIVEMATICA_DASHBOARD_DASHBOARD_OIDC_AUTHENTICATION. You can find more details about this environment string in the configuration document.
  2. Customize the settings module as needed.
  3. Restart the Archivematica Dashboard.

OIDC backend configuration in Storage Service

  1. Enable the authentication backend using the environment variable SS_OIDC_AUTHENTICATION. Assign a string value true to enable it.
  2. Customize the settings module as needed.
  3. Restart the Storage Service.

CAS setup

CAS (Central Authentication Service) is an enterprise multilingual single sign-on solution to authentication for web applications. This feature allows administrators to deploy both the Archivematica Dashboard and Storage Service Django applications with CAS authentication.

CAS backend configuration in Archivematica Dashboard

  1. Enable the authentication backend using the environment variable ARCHIVEMATICA_DASHBOARD_DASHBOARD_CAS_AUTHENTICATION. You can find more details about this environment string in the configuration document.

  2. Customize the settings module as needed.

  3. Restart the Archivematica Dashboard.

  4. Apply the database migrations with:

    sudo -u archivematica bash -c " \
        set -a -e -x
        source /etc/default/archivematica-dashboard || \
            source /etc/sysconfig/archivematica-dashboard \
                || (echo 'Environment file not found'; exit 1)
        cd /usr/share/archivematica/dashboard
        /usr/share/archivematica/virtualenvs/archivematica/bin/python \
   migrate \

CAS backend configuration in Storage Service

  1. Enable the authentication backend using the environment variable SS_CAS_AUTHENTICATION. Assign a string value true to enable it.

  2. Customize the settings module as needed.

  3. Restart the Storage Service.

  4. Apply the database migrations with:

    sudo -u archivematica bash -c " \
        set -a -e -x
        source /etc/default/archivematica-storage-service || \
            source /etc/sysconfig/archivematica-storage-service \
                || (echo 'Environment file not found'; exit 1)
        cd /usr/lib/archivematica/storage-service
        /usr/share/archivematica/virtualenvs/archivematica-storage-service/bin/python \

Password validation

A strong password policy can be introduced by enabling the password validation layer, which is available in both Archivematica and Storage Service.

Please follow the links above to know more about the different options available. E.g. the minimum lenght of your user passwords can be adjusted with ARCHIVEMATICA_DASHBOARD_PASSWORD_MINIMUM_LENGTH and SS_AUTH_PASSWORD_MINIMUM_LENGTH depending on the component.

Content Security Policy (CSP)

CSP (Content Security Policy) is an added layer of security that helps to detect and mitigate certain types of attacks, including Cross Site Scripting (XSS) and data injection attacks. This feature allows administrators to deploy both the Archivematica Dashboard and Storage Service Django applications with CSP headers.

It is based on the django-csp package. In addition to the instructions below, please refer to their documentation for more details.


The CSP support is an experimental feature that you can turn on to test (see instructions below). Please share your feedback!

CSP configuration in Archivematica Dashboard

  1. Enable CSP support using the environment variable ARCHIVEMATICA_DASHBOARD_DASHBOARD_CSP_ENABLED. You can find more details about this environment string in the configuration document.
  2. A small set of header policies are loaded from the settings.components.csp module, but you can provide your own overrides through a Python module and set its path in the CSP_SETTINGS_FILE Django setting.
  3. Restart the Archivematica Dashboard.

CSP backend configuration in Storage Service

  1. Enable CSP support using the environment variable SS_CSP_ENABLED. Assign a string value true to enable it.
  2. A small set of header policies are loaded from the settings.components.csp module, but you can provide your own overrides through a Python module and set its path in the CSP_SETTINGS_FILE Django setting.
  3. Restart the Storage Service.

CA certificates

Archivematica uses a HTTP library called Requests. There are two main approaches for dealing with the updates of the root CAs sets:

Upgrade the certifi package frequently

This is how you can update certifi inside the virtual environment:

$ sudo /usr/share/archivematica/virtualenvs/archivematica/bin/pip install -U certifi

The services need to be restarted after the update, for example if you are using systemd:

$ sudo systemctl restart archivematica-dashboard
$ sudo systemctl restart archivematica-mcp-client
$ sudo systemctl restart archivematica-storage-service

Use the environment string REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE

Requests honours the environment string REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE so the administrator can indicate a custom bundle which could be the system’s CA bundle.

  • The Ubuntu system’s CA bundle file is /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt.
  • The Rocky Linux system’s CA bundle file is /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt.

On Ubuntu, add the following line to the /etc/default/archivematica-* files to use the system’s CA bundle:


On Rocky Linux, add the following line to the /etc/default/archivematica-* files to use the system’s CA bundle:


Trusting additional CAs

If you are using REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE you may want to trust additional CAs.

On Rocky Linux:

  • Copy the .crt file to /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors on your Rocky Linux machine.
  • Run the update-ca-trust extract command.

The /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt file is a symbolic link that refers to the consolidated output created by the update-ca-trust command.

On Ubuntu:

  • Copy the .crt file to /usr/local/share/ca-certificates on your Ubuntu machine.
  • Run the update-ca-certificates command.

This will create a new /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt file.

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Archivematica 1.16.0


Archivematica documentation by Artefactual Systems Inc. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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