Archivematica 1.9.3 é uma versão antiga, e estes documentos não estão sendo mais atualizados.

Upgrade from Archivematica 1.8.x to 1.9.0

On this page:


While it is possible to upgrade a GitHub-based source install using ansible, these instructions do not cover that scenario.

Create a backup

Before starting any upgrade procedure on a production system, we strongly recommend backing up your system. If you are using a virtual machine, take a snapshot of it before making any changes. Alternatively, back up the file systems being used by your system. Exact procedures for updating will depend on your local installation. At a minimum you should make backups of:

  • The Storage Service SQLite (or MySQL) database
  • The dashboard MySQL database

This is a simple example of backing up these two databases:

sudo cp /var/archivematica/storage-service/storage.db ~/storage_db_backup.db
mysqldump -u root -p MCP > ~/am_backup.sql

If you do not have a password set for the root user in MySQL, you can take out the ‘-p’ portion of that command. If there is a problem during the upgrade process, you can restore your MySQL database from this backup and try the upgrade again.

If you’re upgrading from Archivematica 1.8 or lower to the 1.9 version or higher, the Elasticsearch version support changed from 1.x to 6.x and it’s also recommended to create a backup of your Elasticsearch data, specially if you don’t have access to the AIP storage locations in the local filesystem.

You can follow these steps in order to create a backup of Elasticsearch:

# Remove and recreate the folder that stores the backup
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/elasticsearch/backup-repo/
sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/elasticsearch/backup-repo/
sudo chown elasticsearch:elasticsearch /var/lib/elasticsearch/backup-repo/
# Allow elasticsearch to write files to the backup
echo 'path.repo: ["/var/lib/elasticsearch/backup-repo"]' |sudo tee -a /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
# Restart ElasticSearch and wait for it to start
sudo service elasticsearch restart
sleep 60s
# Configure the ES backup
curl -XPUT "localhost:9200/_snapshot/backup-repo" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d \
     "type": "fs",
     "settings": {
     "location": "./",
     "compress": true
# Take the actual backup, and copy it to a safe place
curl -X PUT "localhost:9200/_snapshot/backup-repo/am_indexes_backup?wait_for_completion=true"
cp /var/lib/elasticsearch/backup-repo elasticsearch-backup -rf

For more info, refer to the ElasticSearch 1.7 docs.

Upgrade Elasticsearch and search indexes


Ignore this section if you are planning to run Archivematica without search indexes. Instead, follow the instructions on how to upgrade Archivematica in indexless mode.

Archivematica 1.9.0 uses Elasticsearch 6.x as its search engine. If you’re upgrading from Archivematica 1.8.x or lower, where Elasticsearch 1.x was the supported version, you are required to upgrade your Elasticsearch cluster and indexes to the new version.

To complete this upgrade it is important to know if you have access to your transfer backlog and AIP storage locations in the local filesystem. These are usually located in the following paths:

  • /var/archivematica/sharedDirectory/www/AIPsStore/transferBacklog
  • /var/archivematica/sharedDirectory/www/AIPsStore

You should confirm the paths for your installation in the Locations tab of the Storage Service.

If you have access to these locations, the recommended method for the upgrade is to recreate the indexes. Otherwise, you’ll need to reindex from another cluster.

Upgrade on Ubuntu packages

  1. If you choose the recreate the indexes option, ElasticSearch 1.7 needs to be removed before proceeding with the upgrade. This can be done with:

    sudo apt-get remove --purge elasticsearch
    sudo mv /var/lib/elasticsearch /var/lib/elasticsearch-1.7.5
    sudo mv /etc/elasticsearch /etc/elasticsearch-1.7.5
  2. Update the operating system.

    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
  3. Update package sources.

    In Ubuntu 16.04:

    wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
    echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-6.x.list
    echo 'deb [arch=amd64] xenial main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list
    echo 'deb [arch=amd64] xenial main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list

    Optionally you can remove the lines referencing from /etc/apt/sources.list.

    In Ubuntu 18.04:

    wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
    echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-6.x.list
    echo 'deb [arch=amd64] bionic main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list
    echo 'deb [arch=amd64] bionic main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list

    Optionally you can remove the lines referencing from /etc/apt/sources.list.

  4. Update the Storage Service.

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install archivematica-storage-service
  5. Install Elasticsearch. As of Archivematica 1.9, Elasticsearch 6.x is required

    sudo apt-get install elasticsearch
    systemctl enable elasticsearch
    service elasticsearch start
  6. Update Archivematica. During the update process you may be asked about updating configuration files. Choose to accept the maintainers versions. You will also be asked about updating the database - say ‘ok’ to each of those steps. If you have set a password for the root MySQL database user, enter it when prompted.

    sudo apt-get install archivematica-common
    sudo apt-get install archivematica-dashboard
    sudo apt-get install archivematica-mcp-server
    sudo apt-get install archivematica-mcp-client
  7. Reindex your AIPs using the method you previously chose - recreate the indexes or reindex from another cluster.

  8. Restart services.

    sudo service archivematica-storage-service restart
    sudo service gearman-job-server restart
    sudo service archivematica-mcp-server restart
    sudo service archivematica-mcp-client restart
    sudo service archivematica-dashboard restart
    sudo service nginx restart
  9. Depending on your browser settings, you may need to clear your browser cache to make the dashboard pages load properly. For example in Firefox or Chrome you should be able to clear the cache with control-shift-R or command-shift-F5.

Upgrade on CentOS/Red Hat packages

  1. If you choose the recreate the indexes, Elasticsearch 1.7 needs to be removed before proceeding with the upgrade. This can be done with:

    sudo yum erase elasticsearch
    sudo mv /var/lib/elasticsearch /var/lib/elasticsearch-1.7.5
    sudo mv /etc/elasticsearch /etc/elasticsearch-1.7.5
  2. Upgrade the repositories for 1.9:

    sudo sed -i 's/1.8.x/1.9.x/g' /etc/yum.repos.d/archivematica*
  3. Install ElasticSerch 6.x repository and package:

    sudo -u root rpm --import
    sudo -u root bash -c 'cat << EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/elasticsearch.repo
    name=Elasticsearch repository for 6.x packages
    sudo -u root yum install -y elasticsearch
    sudo -u root systemctl enable elasticsearch
    sudo -u root systemctl start elasticsearch
  4. Upgrade Archivematica packages:

    sudo yum update
  5. Once the new packages are installed, upgrade the databases for both Archivematica and the Storage Service. This can be done with:

    sudo -u archivematica bash -c " \
        set -a -e -x
        source /etc/default/archivematica-dashboard || \
            source /etc/sysconfig/archivematica-dashboard \
                || (echo 'Environment file not found'; exit 1)
        cd /usr/share/archivematica/dashboard
        /usr/share/archivematica/virtualenvs/archivematica-dashboard/bin/python migrate --noinput
    sudo -u archivematica bash -c " \
        set -a -e -x
        source /etc/default/archivematica-storage-service || \
            source /etc/sysconfig/archivematica-storage-service \
                || (echo 'Environment file not found'; exit 1)
        cd /usr/lib/archivematica/storage-service
        /usr/share/archivematica/virtualenvs/archivematica-storage-service/bin/python migrate
  6. Reindex your aips using the method you previously chose - recreate the indexes or reindex from another cluster.

  7. Restart the Archivematica related services, and continue using the system:

    sudo systemctl restart archivematica-storage-service
    sudo systemctl restart archivematica-dashboard
    sudo systemctl restart archivematica-mcp-client
    sudo systemctl restart archivematica-mcp-server
  8. Depending on your browser settings, you may need to clear your browser cache to make the dashboard pages load properly. For example in Firefox or Chrome you should be able to clear the cache with control-shift-R or command-shift-F5.

Upgrade on Vagrant / Ansible

This upgrade method will work with Vagrant machines, but also with cloud based virtual machines, or phisical servers.

  1. Connect to your Vagrant machine or server

    vagrant ssh # Or ssh <your user>@<host>
  2. Remove Elasticsearch 1.7 as explained in <TODO: link to previous commands>

  3. Install Ansible

    sudo pip install ansible
  4. Checkout the deployment repo:

    git clone
  5. Go into the appropiate playbook folder, and install the needed roles

    Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial):

    cd deploy-pub/playbooks/archivematica-xenial
    ansible-galaxy install -f -p roles/ -r requirements.yml

    Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic):

    cd deploy-pub/playbooks/archivematica-bionic
    ansible-galaxy install -f -p roles/ -r requirements.yml

    Centos 7:

    cd deploy-pub/playbooks/archivematica-centos7
    ansible-galaxy install -f -p roles/ -r requirements.yml

    All the following steps should be run from the respective playbook folder for your operating system.

  6. Verify that the vars-singlenode.yml has the appropiate contents for Elasticsearch and Archivematica, or update it with your own

  7. Create a hosts file.

    echo 'am-local   ansible_connection=local' > hosts
  8. Upgrade Archivematica running

    ansible-playbook -i hosts singlenode.yml --tags=elasticsearch,archivematica-src
  9. Reindex your aips using the method you previously chose - recreate the indexes or reindex from another cluster.

Recreate indexes

Using this method, the indexes will be recreated with the new mappings and settings and will be populated from the files and database information. This will allow you to upgrade the Elasticsearch instance to 6.x without having to manage the 1.x indexes’ data. Run the following commands:


Please note, the execution of this command may take a long time for big AIP and Transfer Backlog storage locations, especially if the AIPs are stored compressed, or you are using a third party service. If that is the case, you may want to try the reindex from another cluster method, below.

Reindex from another cluster

If you don’t have access to the AIP and/or transfer backlog locations, this method will allow you to upgrade the existing Elasticsearch indexes to the new version. However, it will require you to setup and configure two Elasticsearch instances, one using the 1.x version with the existing data and the other using the 6.x version to hold the new indexes. Archivematica includes a command to perform this reindex process, which requires a few considerations before its execution:

  1. The archivematica_src_elasticsearch_server configuration attribute must be set to the ES 6.x instance URL.
  2. Archivematica must have access to both ES instances:
    • External access must be enabled in the ES instances if they are not in the same machine as Archivematica.
    • The command accepts basic authentication parameters to connect to the ES 1.x instance.
    • The archivematica_src_elasticsearch_host configuration attribute accepts RFC-1738 formatted URLs (e.g.: https://user:secret@host:443).
  3. The ES 1.x host has to be white-listed in the ES 6.x “elasticsearch.yaml” configuration file (e.g.: reindex.remote.whitelist: “host:9200”).
  4. The command requires the ES 1.x instance URL (including protocol and port) as the first argument, two optional parameters for basic authentication and two other optional parameters to set the timeout for both connections and the chunk size for each request.

Execution example:

sudo -u archivematica bash -c " \
    set -a -e -x
    source /etc/default/archivematica-dashboard || \
        source /etc/sysconfig/archivematica-dashboard \
            || (echo 'Environment file not found'; exit 1)
    cd /usr/share/archivematica/dashboard
    /usr/share/archivematica/virtualenvs/archivematica-dashboard/bin/python \ reindex_from_remote_cluster \
   -u test -p 1234 -t 30 -s 10


For a more detailed instructions about how to run the upgrade with both Elasticsearch instances running in the same machine visit our Wiki.

Verify that you have a working Elasticsearch 1.7 instance with all your data before you start the upgrade!

Upgrade in indexless mode

As of Archivematica 1.7, Archivematica can be run in indexless mode; that is, without Elasticsearch. Installing Archivematica without Elasticsearch, or with limited Elasticsearch functionality, means reduced consumption of compute resources and lower operational complexity. By setting the archivematica_src_search_enabled configuration attribute, administrators can define how many things Elasticsearch is indexing, if any. This can impact searching across several different dashboard pages.

  1. Upgrade your existing Archivematica pipeline following the instructions above.

  2. Modify the relevant systemd EnvironmentFile files by adding lines that set the relevant environment variables to false.

    If you are using Ubuntu, run the following commands.

    sudo sh -c 'echo "ARCHIVEMATICA_DASHBOARD_DASHBOARD_SEARCH_ENABLED=false" >> /etc/default/archivematica-dashboard'
    sudo sh -c 'echo "ARCHIVEMATICA_MCPSERVER_MCPSERVER_SEARCH_ENABLED=false" >> /etc/default/archivematica-mcp-server'
    sudo sh -c 'echo "ARCHIVEMATICA_MCPCLIENT_MCPCLIENT_SEARCH_ENABLED=false" >> /etc/default/archivematica-mcp-client'

    If you are using CentOS, run the following commands.

    sudo sh -c 'echo "ARCHIVEMATICA_DASHBOARD_DASHBOARD_SEARCH_ENABLED=false" >> /etc/sysconfig/archivematica-dashboard'
    sudo sh -c 'echo "ARCHIVEMATICA_MCPSERVER_MCPSERVER_SEARCH_ENABLED=false" >> /etc/sysconfig/archivematica-mcp-server'
    sudo sh -c 'echo "ARCHIVEMATICA_MCPCLIENT_MCPCLIENT_SEARCH_ENABLED=false" >> /etc/sysconfig/archivematica-mcp-client'
  3. Restart services.

    If you are using Ubuntu, run the following commands.

    sudo service archivematica-dashboard restart
    sudo service archivematica-mcp-client restart
    sudo service archivematica-mcp-server restart

    If you are using CentOS, run the following commands.

    sudo -u root systemctl restart archivematica-dashboard
    sudo -u root systemctl restart archivematica-mcp-client
    sudo -u root systemctl restart archivematica-mcp-server
  4. If you had previously installed and started the Elasticsearch service, you can turn it off now.

    sudo -u root systemctl stop elasticsearch
    sudo -u root systemctl disable elasticsearch

Upgrade with output capturing disabled

As of Archivematica 1.7.1, output capturing can be disabled at upgrade or at any other time. This means the stdout and stderr from preservation tasks are not captured, which can result in a performane improvement. See the Task output capturing configuration <task-output-capturing-admin> page for more details. In order to disable output capturing, set the ARCHIVEMATICA_MCPCLIENT_MCPCLIENT_CAPTURE_CLIENT_SCRIPT_OUTPUT environment variable to false and restart the MCP Client process(es). Consult the installation instructions for your deployment method for more details on how to set environment variables and restart Archivematica processes.

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