Archivematica 1.4 é uma versão antiga, e estes documentos não estão sendo mais atualizados.

Import metadata

To import metadata with your transfer, you must structure your transfer to include a directory called metadata. The folder can contain any type of metadata that you wish to preserve alongside your digital objects. If you include a metadata.csv file structured as described on this page, Archivematica is able to parse the metadata into the dmdSec (descriptive metadata section) of the METS file. This metadata also becomes searchable in the Archival Storage tab.


  1. Create a transfer folder that contains a folder called metadata. For simple objects, the user places files in the objects directory, with or without intervening subdirectories.
Metadata folder in transfer directory contains metadata.csv file

Metadata folder in transfer directory contains metadata.csv file

  1. For compound objects, create one or more subdirectories in the objects directory, each containing the files that form a compound object.


The subdirectory names must not contain spaces or other forbidden characters.

  1. Add a csv file to the metadata folder for the transfer called metadata.csv.
  • The first row of the csv file consists of field names. Field names must not include spaces.

  • Dublin Core field names must contain the “dc” element in the name, eg “dc.title”. Note that the Dublin Core is not validated, this is up to the user.

  • Each subsequent row contains the complete set of field values for a single directory or file.

  • As of version 1.4, mixed directory and object level metadata is allowed in the metadata.csv.

  • For multi-value fields (such as dc.subject), the entire column is repeated and each column contains a single value.

  • If the metadata are for simple objects, the csv file must contain a “filename” column listing the filepath and filename of each objects: eg “objects/BrocktonOval.jp2”

  • If the metadata are for compound objects, the “filename” column contains the names of the directories containing the items that form the compound object: eg “objects/Jan021964”

  • Note that filenames can be duplicates of filenames in other subdirectories if desired. For example, the name “page01.jp2” can occur in multiple subdirectories.

    Example csv file contents

    Example csv file contents

  1. At the generate METS micro-service, Archivematica parses the metadata in metadata.csv to the METS file, as follows:
  • All Dublin Core elements are used to generate a dmdSec for each directory or file with MDTYPE=”DC”
  • All non-Dublin Core elements are used to generate a dmdSec for each directory or file with MDTYPE=”OTHER” OTHERMDTYPE=”CUSTOM”
  • The dmdSecs are linked to their directories or files in the structMap.

Simple objects

This section provides csv file and METS file examples for simple objects - i.e. individual files that are not pages in a compound object such as a book or a newspaper issue.

CSV file

Sample headings and values

filename dc.title dcterms.issued dc.publisher dc.contributor dc.subject dc.subject dc.description notes dcterms.isPartOf repository dc.rights project_website dc.format
objects/BrocktonOval.jp2 Stanley Park in December 1996-01-17 Riley Studios, Vancouver BC Don Langfield, photographer Vancouver (B.C.)–Parks Landscapes 1992/12/04 Image shows Brockton Oval after light snowfall Originally part of series entitled “Winter in Vancouver” Riley Studios collection New Caledonia Public Library Copyright held by Riley Studios http://www.ncpl/ image/jp2
objects/QEParksunset.jp2 Sunset in Queen Elizabeth Park   Riley Studios, Vancouver BC Don Langfield, photographer Vancouver (B.C.)–Parks   1994/07/13     Riley Studios collection New Caledonia Public Library Copyright held by Riley Studios http://www.ncpl/ image/jp2

METS file

<mets xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<dmdSec ID="dmdSec_1">
    <mdWrap MDTYPE="DC">
          <dublincore xsi:schemaLocation="">
            <title>Stanley Park in December</title>
            <subject>Vancouver (B.C.)--Parks</subject>
            <description>Image shows Brockton Oval after light snowfall</description>
            <publisher>Riley Studios, Vancouver B.C.</publisher>
            <contributor>Don Langfield, photographer</contributor>
            <isPartOf>Riley Studios collection</isPartOf>
            <rights>Copyright held by Riley Studios</rights>
<dmdSec ID="dmdSec_2">
                Originally part of series entitled "Winter in Vancouver"
                New Caledonia Public Library
<dmdSec ID="dmdSec_3">
    <mdWrap MDTYPE="DC">
            <dublincore xsi:schemaLocation="">
            <title>Sunset in Queen Elizabeth Park</title>
            <subject>Vancouver (B.C.)--Parks</subject>
            <publisher>Riley Studios, Vancouver BC</publisher>
            <contributor>Don Langfield, photographer</contributor>
            <rights>Copyright held by Riley Studios</rights>
<dmdSec ID="dmdSec_4">
            <forms_part_of>Riley Studios collection </forms_part_of>
            <repository>New Caledonia Public Library</repository>
    <fileGrp USE="original">
        <file ID="BrocktonOval.jp2-aeebe429-9b5f-453c-8f73-57ed53f12b6f" GROUPID="Group-aeebe429-9b5f-453c-8f73-57ed53f12b6f" ADMID="amdSec_1">
            <FLocat xlink:href="objects/BrocktonOval.jp2" LOCTYPE="OTHER" OTHERLOCATYPE="SYSTEM"/>
        <file ID="QE_Park_sunset.jp2-47faa4c2-fa23-4484-aa08-8d50945b1c5d" GROUPID="Group-47faa4c2-fa23-4484-aa08-8d50945b1c5d" ADMID="amdSec_2">
            <FLocat xlink:href="objects/QE_Park_sunset.jp2" LOCTYPE="OTHER" OTHERLOCATYPE="SYSTEM"/>
<structMap TYPE="physical" LABEL="Archivematica default">
    <div TYPE="directory" LABEL="Simple-0c754dae-6a7f-4837-9ecd-8a0ff36e694b">
        <div TYPE="directory" LABEL="objects">
            <div TYPE="Item" DMDID="dmdSec_1 dmdSec_2">
                <fptr FILEID="BrocktonOval.jp2-aeebe429-9b5f-453c-8f73-57ed53f12b6f"/>
            <div TYPE="Item" DMDID="dmdSec_3 dmdSec_4">
                <fptr FILEID="QE_Park_sunset.jp2-47faa4c2-fa23-4484-aa08-8d50945b1c5d"/>
            <div TYPE="directory" LABEL="submissionDocumentation">
                <div TYPE="directory" LABEL="transfer-Simple-525a57bb-cec8-4279-ae77-b95171f84c59"/>

Compound objects

This section provides csv file and METS file examples for compound objects - i.e. multi-page digital objects such as newspapers and books.

CSV file

Sample headings and values

parts dc.title alternative_title dc.publisher dates_of_publication dc.subject dc.description frequency dc.language forms_part_of repository project_website digital_file_format
objects/Jan021964 Coast News, January 02, 1964 Sunshine Coast News Fred Cruice 1945-1995 Gibsons (B.C.)–Newspapers 1964/01/02 Serving the Growing Sunshine Coast Weekly English British Columbia Historical Newspapers collection Sunshine Coast Museum and Archives image/jp2
objects/Jan091964 Coast News, January 09, 1964 Sunshine Coast News Fred Cruice 1945-1995 Gibsons (B.C.)–Newspapers 1964/01/09 Serving the Growing Sunshine Coast Weekly English British Columbia Historical Newspapers collection Sunshine Coast Museum and Archives image/jp2

METS file

<mets xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<dmdSec ID="dmdSec_1">
    <mdWrap MDTYPE="DC">
            <dublincore xsi:schemaLocation="">
            <title>Coast News, January 02, 1964</title>
            <subject>Gibsons (B.C.)--Newspapers</subject>
            <description>Serving the Growing Sunshine Coast</description>
            <publisher>Fred Cruice</publisher>
<dmdSec ID="dmdSec_2">
            <alternative_title>Sunshine Coast News</alternative_title>
            <forms_part_of>British Columbia Historical Newspapers Collection</forms_part_of>
                Sunshine Coast Museum and Archives
<dmdSec ID="dmdSec_3">
    <mdWrap MDTYPE="DC">
            <dublincore xsi:schemaLocation="">
            <title>Coast News, January 09, 1964</title>
            <subject>Gibsons (B.C.)--Newspapers</subject>
            <description>Serving the Growing Sunshine Coast</description>
            <publisher>Fred Cruice</publisher>
<dmdSec ID="dmdSec_4">
            <alternative_title>Sunshine Coast News</alternative_title>
            <forms_part_of>British Columbia Historical Newspapers Collection</forms_part_of>
            <repository>Sunshine Coast Museum and Archives</repository>
    <fileGrp USE="original">
        <file ID="page01.jp2-31e3ee5c-ff7a-4fb9-818d-e325345a5766" GROUPID="Group-31e3ee5c-ff7a-4fb9-818d-e325345a5766" ADMID="amdSec_1">
            <FLocat xlink:href="objects/Jan021964/page01.jp2" LOCTYPE="OTHER" OTHERLOCTYPE="SYSTEM"/>
        <file ID="page02.jp2-626bc937-5a6e-4a32-adf4-7db7ab5a3e66" GROUPID="Group-626bc937-5a6e-4a32-adf4-7db7ab5a3e66" ADMID="amdSec_2">
            <FLocat xlink:href="objects/Jan021964/page02.jp2" LOCTYPE="OTHER" OTHERLOCTYPE="SYSTEM"/>
        <file ID="page01.jp2-38e939e0-74fe-4ace-81ff-da4b89fa3481" GROUPID="Group-38e939e0-74fe-4ace-81ff-da4b89fa3481" ADMID="amdSec_3">
            <FLocat xlink:href="objects/Jan091964/page01.jp2" LOCTYPE="OTHER" OTHERLOCTYPE="SYSTEM"/>
        <file ID="page02.jp2-f42aaa1b-3816-45ed-9419-193474462481" GROUPID="Group-f42aaa1b-3816-45ed-9419-193474462481" ADMID="amdSec_4">
            <FLocat xlink:href="objects/Jan091964/page02.jp2" LOCTYPE="OTHER" OTHERLOCTYPE="SYSTEM"/>
<structMap TYPE="physical" LABEL="Archivematica default">
    <div TYPE="directory" LABEL="Compound-6ef65864-d8ce-46df-b6e7-cd7d75498110">
        <div TYPE="directory" LABEL="objects">
            <div TYPE="directory" LABEL="Jan021964" DMDID="dmdSec_1 dmdSec_2">
                <div TYPE="item">
                    <fptr FILEID="page01.jp2-31e3ee5c-ff7a-4fb9-818d-e325345a5766"/>
                <div TYPE="item">
                    <fptr FILEID="page02.jp2-626bc937-5a6e-4a32-adf4-7db7ab5a3e66"/>
            <div TYPE="directory" LABEL="Jan091964" DMDID="dmdSec_3 dmdSec_4">
                <div TYPE="item">
                    <fptr FILEID="page01.jp2-38e939e0-74fe-4ace-81ff-da4b89fa3481"/>
                <div TYPE="item">
                    <fptr FILEID="page02.jp2-f42aaa1b-3816-45ed-9419-193474462481"/>
            <div TYPE="directory" LABEL="submissionDocumentation">
                <div TYPE="directory" LABEL="transfer-Compound-03e22333-4ce3-415f-adbf-9d392931bfb6"/>

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