Archivematica 1.5 is a legacy release, and these documents are no longer being maintained.

Error reporting

When an error or bug is encountered, we request that Archivematica users first:

  1. Search the User Forum for similar problems and post a new thread if necessary.
  2. Search and/or report in our issue tracker. Artefactual uses Redmine project management software to track bugs and issues in Archivematica. You can find our Redmine instance at

Register for an account

You can register for an account in Redmine at:

If you are a client of Artefactual, you likely already have an account. Email if you need assistance.

Search for a bug or issue

Anyone can search Redmine for an existing issue or bug. Visit and enter your search keywords.

You can also browse Archivematica issues here:

Note that issues or bugs related to client-specific development will not appear if you are not logged in, and further if your account is not associated with that project.

Create a new bug or issue

  1. Always search Redmine for an existing bug or issue before reporting a new one.
  2. To create a new bug or issue, navigate to the Archivematica project by clicking on « Jump to a project » and then « Archivematica ».
  3. Click on « New Issue » and fill in the required fields as outlined below:


Choose « Bug » for an issue with an existing feature, or « Feature » to suggest a new functionality to Archivematica.


Provide a brief description of the bug or feature you are requesting. To help us avoid duplication, try to make your title clear and descriptive.


Helpful information to include in the Description field are the steps to reproduce the bug or behaviour you are experiencing.


Leave as New.


Please leave at Medium. Artefactual staff will triage the bug or feature as appropriate.

Other fields

Please leave blank and Artefactual staff will update as appropriate.

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